YPC Forest Enterprise Inc.
Job Overview:
- Employment Type: Full-time
- Number of Workers Requested: 1
- Employer: YPC Forest Enterprise Inc.
- Location: Wells, ME 04945
- Worksite Address: 16 Merriweather Way, T5R20, North, ME 04945
- Contact: +1 800-463-2550
Job Duties:
- Cooking: Prepare and cook large quantities of food for a logging camp.
- Facilities: Employer provides free cooking facilities for workers to prepare their own meals.
- Transportation:
- Free weekly transportation to the grocery store for workers to buy groceries.
- Free transportation between housing and the worksite, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Housing:
- Clean and compliant with Federal and State Housing Standards.
- Workers are responsible for maintaining housing in a neat and clean manner.
Job Classification:
- Code: 35-2012.00
- Title: Cooks, Institution, and Cafeteria
Job Requirements:
- Experience: Yes, minimum of 6 months
- Special Requirements:
- Valid, insurable driver’s license or eligibility to apply for one at no cost to the worker.
Work Schedule:
- Hours per Week: 35
- Shift: 5:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.
Additional Information:
- Transportation: Provided at no cost to the worker, adhering to legal regulations.
- Housing: Must be kept clean and tidy by the workers.
This position involves cooking for a logging camp, ensuring proper meal preparation and cleanliness of facilities. Transportation and housing are provided, with a requirement for workers to have or obtain a valid driver’s license.
To apply for this job email your details to admin@ypctransport.com